StockScraper empowers retail investors to easily visualize trends and contrast these trends with respect to competitors, delivering capabilities to the average investor that were previously exclusively available to big banks and investment fund managers.
StockScraper is the best stock comparison and analysis tool on the internet. This stock analysis software displays up to 5 years or quarters of financial statement, ratio, and valuation data side-by-side for each ticker entered to allow seamless evaluation of potential investments.
StockScraper is built to teach users how to invest in stocks wisely and learn to read financial statements, ratios, and valuation metrics with a Warren Buffet like savy. Any metric available to you comes with an easy to understand definition.
Quickly and easily plot entire financial statements and compare company performance for up to 5 stocks side-by-side. Observe trends which would take other investors hours to recognize in mere seconds.
At StockScrapers, investing in stocks wisely is made easy for beginners. At the click of a button, any metric we have available comes with an explanation of it's meaning and how one may use it to make wise investing decisions and grow their wealth.
As you read through the plethora of metrics at your finger tips, investors may easily highlight financial data for quick reference at a later time and to differenciate the top performers.